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Holiday Cheer and Book Sales


(The view from my back window as of this morning)

I’ve been feeling a bit grumpy and not really in the Christmas mood due to the ice storm we had.  We’ve been without power since Sunday, we had to shower at my husband’s office, our house is a mess, and we weren’t able to do a lot of the things we’d planned to for Christmas, like baking.  We even had to cut the Christmas Eve celebrations with his family shorter than usual so we could get back home to start the generator and heat the house so pipes don’t freeze, the sump doesn’t overflow, and the fish don’t die.  Yes, we have 90 gallons of African Cichlids surviving with a battery powered aerator.  *crosses fingers*

Despite the difficulties, we’re trying to stay cheerful and look on the bright side of things.  It’s been challenging, but we’re doing our best.  One of the things that helped me the most was seeing how many people have bought my short stories.

Not because of the check I’ll be getting in 60 days or so–although it IS a gratifying feeling to realize that people will pay me to do what I love–but knowing that people love what I do.  To watch the sales slowly climb is an amazing feeling.  I’m not going to be on the NY Times bestseller list by any means.  We’re talking dozens of books here, people.  But knowing that you are reading what I write and enjoying it enough to seek out other stories of mine is a wonderful feeling.  Knowing that I have so many wonderful people rooting for me as I work at this is one of the best feelings I’ve ever had.

So bring it on Mother Nature.  I can handle your ice storms, and the unbaked cookie dough in the freezer.  I can live with the fact I’ll be sending out Christmas cards in January this year and that apart from a wreath on the door and a tree up (that I can’t light) those are the extent of my decorations.  I’ll survive the fact I had to ask someone else to host the get-together I had planned for Saturday because I may not have power yet.

My Christmas cheer comes from the fact that for the first time in my life I’m really doing what I love.  And I have an amazing number of people supporting me along the way.  ❤

This time of year can be a stressful one, but I hope that you are warm, safe, and happy.  And don’t sweat the small stuff.  There’s always next year.  Find what makes you happiest and focus on that.

Merry Christmas if you celebrate it, and Happy Wednesday if you don’t!

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