I’ve gotten some really great feedback on this story lately and I wanted to share them with you!
Helena’s Heat blog reviewed
“All too often when I read short stories I’m left feeling short changed. The stories feel rushed, the characters underdeveloped or the ending disappointing. ‘The French Toast Emergencies’ had none of those issues. It was a complete and very satisfactory story about two interesting and likeable characters.”
Rainbow Gold Reviews blog also reviewed the story
“…I loved how the events of the story pushed these likable men together. They felt real, acted real and it made their sweet romance so much more poignant. They weren’t just random characters, in just 45 pages they became friends and I laughed with them, felt my heart warm as they realized what they might have found in each other and totally believed their love story. I cared for them and with just a few pages that is an incredible achievement!”
GGR-Review weighed in.
“This book was so sexy. Sexy as in how comfortable the characters were with each other, how easily they fell into a domesticated state. Sexy doesn’t have to be pages of penetrative sex, it can also be 2 guys getting to know each other from the simple touches and nudges to body exploration. Even trying to take a sneaky peak at the other through an opaque shower curtain. Brigham excelled at writing this, I pictured myself in the apartment on this ratty sofa playing footsie with my “boyfriend”.”
There was a review on Padme’s Library on Monday.
“Arthur and Samuel are wonderfully intriguing characters that I would have loved to read more about but the length, or lack-there-of, is definitely not a drawback. I fell for both guys and the romance that sets in due to their weather triggered circumstances. Definitely another great novella by Miss Vaughn.”
And today, Prism Book Alliance put up their review!
“I love seeing a well written, tight, and clean self-published story. So often these days, I find self-published to lack the quality I seek when I am paying for a story. I was very pleased to see Vaughn, however, stays far away from that trap.”
No time for me to get a swelled head at all of the great feedback though, there’s too much writing to be done! And, if you haven’t checked out the story yet, what on earth are you waiting for?